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From business perspective,
they have full control of their entire gaming business with their own hardware and software, they always have profit on each sold console (reason why they still don't have Wii U price cut), and they have very large profit on console controllers/accessories (Wii U Pro/Wii Remote are $60 and they cost them around $20), and almost every Wii U owner have some extra controller (for my Wii U I have 1x Wii U Pro, 3x Wii Remote and 1x Nunchuk).

From user perspective,
Nintendo games will always be best on Nintendo hardware, period.
They make their hardware with their software on mind not 3rd party, hardware that suit them most for developing their own game.
I am 100% that going 3rd party would certainly have effect on quality of their games.

Nintendo will never go 3rd party,
maybe only if there are on edge of bankrupt, but till then it would be much smaller company and probably that would affect their games too, but fortunately they are very financially responsible company, never had no debt, and after three years minuses in which they had some major changes in the company last year end with a profit, except that, they always have billions in banks.

I think that there are much bigger chances that Microsoft abandoning console gaming and Sony go bankrupt then Nintendo go 3rd party.