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Gaming Discussion - Why VR? - View Post

SvennoJ said:
Lafiel said:
SvennoJ said:
VR is the future as people are already in the habit of not sharing the tv anymore, withdrawing to their own space to watch stuff or play games on tablets / phones.
Why not VR.

"because it makes you look dumb" - is a frightingly strong argument against it, but I'll be optimistic for now

That didn't stop people wearing headphones, or talking to themselves outside with mobile phone earphones.
Who cares what you look like inside your own home.

When did people get so self conscious about what they look like inside their own home.
My grandmother sat with this inside the house

I think I'll be fine with VR goggles :)

Well let's say that it will make look dumb in *unprecedented* way, a VR visor will really make people look estranged. And beside the "social negative bonus" it may also be considered unhealthy by parents and that is surely going to have an impact on its potential sales as a gaming device.