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Gaming Discussion - Why VR? - View Post

RolStoppable said:
VR means more immersive gaming. In previous generations we first and foremost got better graphics to make games more immersive. There was no significant influx of new customers due to better graphics, so it can be safely concluded that a higher level of immersion will not lead to more interest in video games.

The second issue is that VR will be merely a peripheral, so it will be supported accordingly. Which means there will barely be any games made for it, because game development is already risky enough as it is right now.

The type of immersion VR provides isn't directly comparable with better graphics. That'd be like directly comparing motion controls with better graphics, just because they both come under "immersion". VR Is far more immediate and bold then graphics, anyone who's used it would attest, myself included. The reaction to VR >>>>> reaction to good graphics.

The rise of the indie market and the accessibility of game engines should help regarding content IMO. But yeah, I still wouldn't expect a ton of amazing content buut these type of experiences only need a few core/successful experiences to propel them to success (Kinect adventures/Dance central, Wii sports)

OP I don't think I've seen many people say its going to change the game, at least not this gen. 90% of people who's tried it will tell you the same thing, its awesome. It will have a lot of hype, lots of people will want to try it, it will sell probably as well as its expected to. I don't think anyone is expecting 30m VR headsets shipped by the end of the PS4's life. I could be wrong but I don't think sony has set out any sales expectations yet