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Gaming Discussion - Why VR? - View Post

Aeolus451 said:

fory77 said:

It's not the future because it's a fad, a gimmick that will die out as quick as the Wii once people play with it for a month and then get bored. Though it may have more use in things like education...

For one, VR isn't a gimmick that's just good for one generation or 2. VR is the evolution of gaming and will be further advanced throughout the generations. Eventually, we'll be able to to wear a helmet and just lay in bed to play games in virtual world.

I was talking about VR in its current/very near future state and not its far future - which i guess was the point :/ 

I think VR will just come and go this/next generation and once (if) technology has advanced enough for what you said to be possible, it will come back into mainstream gaming.