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Mummelmann said:
sundin13 said:

I know...but for some reason people decide to assume the worse whenever the mention of DLC comes up in relation to Nintendo.

To be honest, for many people this could also be due to the fact that many Nintendo fans (especially here on vgchartz) have been quite vocal about DLC and how it is ruining gaming (a point I partially agree with, to tell the truth, I have never bought DLC myself but I have bought Gold Editions where it is added, or GOTY editions). But the same folks are mostly quite accepting of Nintendo's DLC. For me; DLC is not good news no matter who makes it and you often get very little content for an unfair price (Oblivion and Dragon Age:Origins are the most ridiculous examples here).

Expansion packs are cool and I get those all the time, especially the bigger ones for strategy games and the like, but DLC is a blight on the industry imo.


Thank you good sir for stating the actual situation here.