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“Listen only to the sound of my voice… Let your thoughts drift… let the bad memories fade… let peace be upon you. Imagine somewhere calm..imagine somewhere safe…imagine yourself in a frozen forest.” - Dr. Salim

The hype train is leaving the station earlier this year, it looks like the next Call of Duty reveal is imminent so get your social media accounts ready.

Black Ops 2 received a tiny update earlier today (which was even hinted by David Vonderhaar), and now Drift0r has just uploaded a new video showing certain posters on two maps in Black Ops 2 have a new “ghost icon,” which happens to look like the snapchat logo. In fact, it’s actually a Snapchat QR code. Upon scanning the QR code within the Snapchat app, it says “callofduty is already your friend” (if you already added them). If not, it starts following them on your account.

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Update 1: The first Snapchat is now live with a 10 second teaser saying “Listen only to the sound of my voice…” Stay tuned.
Here's the video of the Snapchat (Tweet):

Update 2: 2nd Snapchat is live! “Let your thoughts drift…let the bad memories fade…let peace be upon you.”

Update 3: The snapchat username has changed to 'Dr. Salim'

Update 4: A new 2nd second clip of a bright blue sea, bright blue sky and white moon is now live. If you put a filter over the picture, a writing above the moon says 'Dr. Salim'

Update 5: A new 10 second video clip has been uploaded:

“Imagine somewhere calm..imagine somewhere safe…imagine yourself in a frozen forest.”

Update 6: Treyarch has updated the message of the day on Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 with “And so it begins…” plus an image of a tree.

Deeper analysis of the tree reveals that there’s some logo hidden behind it…its unclear exactly as to
what the logo represents.

It seems like Treyarch has also updated Black Ops 2 MP with removing certain letters/numbers from certain weapons and more: the “B” from Ballista, the “1” from the +100 score, “4” in the AN-94, “L”, and “7” from the MP7. List of missing characters: B, L, 1, 4, 7

Update 7: New 6 second snapshat is live! No voice-over this time

Update 8: And another new snapchat!

Update 9: And another!

Update 10: And another new Snapchat!

“Our greatest barrier is our own fear….our own doubts.”



Also, look at what Activision Support tweeted and then deleted:

Original link to the tweet: