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sundin13 said:

It still provides an environment where players who pay have more flexibility to adapt to game conditions or have advantages over other players in specified situations. As I stated, it is far from being as imbalanced as Korean Pay to Win, but it still provides in game benefits to those willing to pay for them. It also messes with the meta game in ways that only players with the DLC weapons are able to effect and react to to some extent.

While it is not exactly "pay to win" it seems to objectively be "pay to get some degree of an advantage"

If you play the game, you will see that there isn't any advantage. The basic kit (in their strongest situations) is:

- Long range: hunting rifle.

- Medium range: semi auto, revolver

- Short range: burst rifle, shorty

These are the best weapons, because they are flexible (working more than one range, semi, revolver and burst) or just too good in their job (HR, shorty).

Saying that you get advantage shows that you didn't played the game or simply didn't played it enough like I surely did (and do). You are trying to create a problem that isn't there, simply because the best weapons aren't the DLC ones and the regular weapons already serves all situations. This game isn't CoD or BF where a gun can give you the advantage. The focus here is awareness and knowing how to face the enemy in a situation where you have the advantage. If you play with a shorty, you will try to jump right in front of him and bring the game to close quarters. If you are into the hunting rifle, you will camp and try to get them at suply boxes and transition areas.

I personally play with the burst rifle. At close quarters, it beats anything except and upgraded shorty or shotgun. At medium distance, it's efficient if you know how to use the recoil to get a HS. I can even use it at longer ranges.

If I had to call some weapons "unbalanced", number one would be the hunting rifle tied with the military sniper. A good headshoter gets to much power: he can easily down 2 guys and your team will be rushed. Number 2 is the shotgun. Just try to get any of these DLC guns and run on a shotgunner. Call a friend to run with you too. Both will be down. DLC guns are mostly a joke. Do notice that these weapons are still pretty fair if you know what to do.

People complaining are noobs that run on shotgunners, try to long range firefight snipers and think that body armor saves anyone from a flamethrower. If you know how to approach this guys in the distance that helps you, they are dead. A shotgun is useless at 30ft or a HR at 5ft. I don't need DLC guns to put down a guy that thinks that a shorty works at 20ft. And there are plenty of them.

I myself have the season pass so I have all DLC packages except the last one. My main weapon is the burst. I always use furtivity. The only DLC perk that's decent is scavenger, easily replaceable for creator or medic. Oh, and the biggest proof that the article is bullocks is that the guy never talked about the absolutely best DLC gun: the enforcer. That one is a great pistol and an amazing second weapon. It's the only one that's as good as the revolver. Both are jack of all trades and they are amazing.