It's kinda funny reading these Threads, watching people debating about "Nintendo will go Third Party" and partly signed Nintendos fate. But, non of us know what's going on behind closed curtains. Nintendo made a lot of money with the Wii, the DS and yes, also the 3DS after a slow start. Everyone is bragging about the Wii U. Most likely, the Wii U won't sell any better compared to the GameCube. It's sad not because of the Sales (well kinda) but more because the Wii U is a great System. After Smash Bros. the Wii U received another Drought when it comes to Games.
But I'm kinda wondering. All these "Nintendo will/maybe go Third Party" Threads. But will Microsoft release another Console after the Xbox One? The System is dead in Japan, not relevant in Europe like the 360. Is it enough for Microsoft to be relevant just on the US Market? I know this Threads is about Nintendo, but, talking about irrelevant Themes, we should talk also about other Companies. Also: Will my beloved Vita find a successor? We simply can't answer all these questions and I have to admit, it's pretty annoying to see all these Threads because the Debate is always the same.