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Ka-pi96 said:
Nem said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Was it? They were nearing bankruptcy when they were still making consoles. They went third party in 2001 and now they are still around 14 years later. Considering if they had kept making consoles they likely would have went bankrupt and wouldn't exist anymore I'd say that was a good decision.

Besides that, on the game quality front I'd say they are now better than ever!

You consider this staying around? They retreated to mobiles because they are so incompetent at everything they do. They lost all their talent. It would have been best to just bankrupt. They just went for the slow death instead of the quick one. Now instead of looking at them with nostalgia, we look at the with contempt.

Errr... i couldnt disagree more with the last statement. I would like to know wich game they make you think is particularly good.

Total War, Football Manager, Company of Heroes, Yakuza, Persona. Few years ago they had Valkyria Chronicles as well.

I'd take any of those games over the games they put out on their own consoles.

Total War, Football manager. company of Heroes and Persona are all from companies they have purchased and will probably drag to the mud woth them. It has already been happening with the european studios and its only a matter of time until ATLUS gets affected aswell.

Valkyria had 1 good game. The series then went portable and died. Yakuza, really isnt as good as you make it pass. It has great cut-scenes and main story, but the gameplay, be it the combat, the mini games or the numb quests are extremely boring. I can atest to that as i have just beaten Yakuza 3 and 4 recently. I am pondering just watching Yakuza 5 on youtube because the gameplay, im sorry to say, isnt good. Also, lets be honest, the series has been in heavy decline and probably ended with the recent entry Yakuza 0.

So, SEGA themselves really have nothing left. They are mostly a Japan only company these days as far as consoles are concerned with no sign of recovery. All they do have is companies they have bought in the meanwhile.

Quite honestly i would have prefered if they bankrupted and their IP's had been auctioned instead of just having everything going dormant.