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Nem said:
Xxain said:

Uh no. Terrible way to excuse a growing problem within the Japanese game industry.

If you say so. But i do believe there is a level of arrogance in westerners saying how Japanese should do the art on their games.

If you dont like it, skip the game? Its not like they are going to change because of western audiences. Just like the Tales of series... they are games aimed at japanese audiences. You are fighting a losing battle.

The Tales series is aimed solely at Japan and those Japanese are in the that "level" of anime. Hideo Baba also stated Tales games are never developed with intention to sell overseas. If it happens it happens

The basic point is that liking anime should NOT be a requirement in enjoying a Japanese game. Japanaese developers, specifically those that work on JRG's are putting JRPG's in this box and it doesn't need to be there. Grandia, Xenogears, Chrono trigger are just a few of JRPG's that use a more obvious anime direction, but gamers around the world have enjoyed them regardless if their anime fans or not. A series like Fire Emblem, or any other Global JRPG series (developed with intention of selling overseas) stay away this moe, waifu, whatever anime crap.

Im not even touch on how chosing this anime effects the actual game. Harder to sum up.