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Teeqoz said:
vkaraujo said:
Hard to say. There are 3 questionable points in your OP.

- You are assuming no Nintendo games would sell less. By stating this, you are ignoring loyalty effect toward the big 3, that no Third Party have to this day.
- You are assuming this wouldn't hurt their HH business.
- You are assuming there would be no brand damage.

But it is a good exercise, i will keep an eye.

I don't think Nintendo fans would just stop being loyal to Nintendo because they went multiplat.

Frankly, I see no possible way this could hurt their HH business more than them making mobile games is. Actually I'd argue that in the same way they wanna make mobile games to attract people to their other gaming devices, this could massively expand their audience, and attract people to their future handhelds.

But wouldn't it be better to reallocate those resource into making more content for their handheld? 3DS isn't teeming with games at the moment and chugging out games in a frequent maner will be harder as the future handheld games will be demand more time with the stronger hardware.

Hypothetically speaking, if home console market isn't viable for them anymore, dedicating their development resources into the handheld what be a better move than developing content for Sony and Microsoft consoles.