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Nem said:

I dont know how anyone can even sugest this after we see the case study that is SEGA. It was the worst decision ever.

Theres alot of losses that many dont account wich comes on the form of not having your fandom concentrated in one platform.

To be honest, Sega don't have anywhere near the quality in terms of games that Nintendo do.  Sega first and foremost were all about arcade games really, and then they got took over to the home consoles that they produced.  Games moved on and got more advanced and Sega well...didn't.  They haven't produced a decent AAA since Shenmue which was over 15 years ago.  Nintendo make way way better games than Sega ever did so it wouldn't go the same route if Nintendo did what Sega tried.

PREDICTIONS FOR END OF 2015: (Made Jan 1st 2015)

PS4 - 34M - XB1 - 21m - WII U -12M