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Ka-pi96 said:
Cobretti2 said:

Look at Rockstar used carnival games to save themselves and used that money to finish of GTA4. They were on the brink of bankrupcy due to how much they spent on GTA4 kind of like a lot of great devs that backed the PS3 early on and spent HUGE money thinkign the PS3 would ell like the PS2. RIP Free Radicals and Factor 5 to name a couple great devs.

You got any actual information to back that up?

Because from what I can see Carnival Games had nothing at all to do with Rockstar. It was published by 2K (owned by Take Two just like Rockstar) however they didn't finalise the purchase of the company that originally published it until 2 weeks after the games North American release. So as far as I can tell they had nothing to do with the development of the game or even the publishing of the game until after it had already released.

Oh and while Take Two's financials do show a loss for the years ending 2006 & 2007 it isn't such a huge loss that they were on the brink of bankruptcy. The year they made profit again was 2008, surprisingly enough the year that GTA4 released. Oh and also in 2008 they were the subject of a buyout offer from EA. This sounds like it started in April before the release of GTA4, so if they were really a company on the brink of bankruptcy why did they reject that buyout offer? Maybe because they weren't on the brink of bankruptcy?


No I dont have a source I read it around E3 time. It was like 7 years ago it was at the time where Rockstar spent millions on GTAIV and Take Two were deciding if they should extend the contract with them. One of the main take two guys at the time said they used the carnival games profits to finish of GTAIV which basically bailed Rockstar out (i.e. they were on the brink of folding not Take Two) and signed a new extended contract to work with Take Two. Now I am sure that if Take Two stopped funding GTAIV someone like EA would have picked it up as a publisher.

Then GTAIV released and the money started to flood in for take two.