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ToraTiger said:

Look at the sales figures on Wikipedia, and it says it sold more in 2012 in Japan (8 months on shelves) than by september 2013 in America (Also About 8 months)I dont take these figures seriously on this site, as they're highly overtracked especially with Nintendo games. 

There is no point in arguing with someone who is defending the inclusion of Dark Pit and Lucina, who literally add zero to the game but filler in the rooster.   If you just said "Hey they're a bonus!" I would have agreed.  But if you expect me to take that seriously, that somehow since Lucina's sword tip is slightly different to Marth's is a reason for her to be included, than I honestly don't know what to say.  They have the exact same kit down to FS and B attacks. 

And I gave several reasons why I disliked most parts of Awakening, the hit and miss support system and dualstrike mechanic, the cliche characters, the overpriced DLC for exclusive classes, the artstyle which is a completely slapface from previous games in the series, the bland relationship conversations, the less than perfect story, ect.

Also this is relative to other FE games, not games in generally.  I just feel as though the tone and direction, art and new mechanics of Awakening makes it one of the weakest games in the series

Really your source is wikipedia also Awakening only released February 2013 in NA so September 2013 is only 6 or so months as far as the game's release goes so you're comparing 8 months to 6 months. To further highlight how out of your league you are here according to Wikipedia your very own source the game sold 390k by September in NA compared to the 455k in the 8 months you're touting so in 8 months it only sold 65k more then NA did in 6 months.

As Smash goes you're out of your league and it's clear you don't know what you're talking about on this front, I've explained it to you twice in simple terms I'll even link you to Event Hubs for you to read the comments for an in depth explaination from pro and competitive players, so far you've yet to explain how they're carbon copies after you've been given an easy to understand explaination.