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NoirSon said:

Wait, not done yet!


Mordecai: Big gentle, quiet animal guy powerhouse.


Ranulf: Cool confident badass pretty boy with high rank



Not going to lie, couldn't find someone comparable to Ranulf in Awakening but it has been a while since I played it, but OBVIOUSLY Mordecai is so much more of a character then Kellam or Libra.


Troll thread or not, couldn't let that one go.

I could do the exact same sh!t for literally every character in Awakening and pull up 10 anime characters who even look like them with similar personaility..  Not to mention they don't even dig deep with their stereotypes, they are always the most very basic anime cliches.   Libra is typical girly boy, and Kellam is typical closed eye nerd (INB4 Oscar)

Mordacai/Lethe dynamic = More original and deep than every relationship in Awakening. 

Name one character on Awakening that has a deeper and more original deigsn that Naesala, Soren, Tormod, Devdan, Jill ect.  

All the characters in Awakening are one dimensional as phuck, and the writing suffers from the poor characterisation.   Almost everyone in Awakening are cookie cutter nice people, no dark antihero ish character like Soren and Naesala.

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew