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Hiku said:
ToraTiger said:
Hiku said:
ToraTiger said:

Why Nintendo?  What happened to the Path of Radiance Fire Emblem that was deep, concious, well paced and had good characters?

Path of Radiance sold 0.54m worldwide.
Awakening sold
1.55m worldwide.

More people responded positively to Awakening.
For every person who doesn't like the direction Awakening took, Nintendo will gladly take 3 others who do.

Lol at that comparison.  22 million gamecubes vs 50 million 3DS, also factor in 3DS has less games to play on it, Awakening's advertising and reviews.   And yeah I acknowledged its all about money, which is the only thing Nintendo seems to care about these days, they're becoming more and more like Ubisoft.  

BTW Are those Nintendo released sales? If they're just VGchartz sales, than I'm calling B.s

Awakening came out in early 2013, when 3DS was at 30m. Even though the game kept selling after that, it's hayday in sales is long since over. But even comparing it to todays numbers, Awakening still sold close to three times the amount of the GC game. Which is still notably more than the disparity between those two consoles today. However, rather than the difference in sales, a more important factor is that 1.55m is considered successful for the budget of a 3DS game, while 0.54 may not have been for the budget of a GC game. After all, Nintendo were about to shut down the Fire Emblem division for good, if Awakening didn't sell well enough on the 3DS.
And Awakening surpassed Nintendo's expectations about sixfold. Add to that all the DLC they sold for the game, and it probably adds up to quite a bit more.

And it's VGC numbers. That's all we have to go on, unless you know a different source.


You expect me to believe they were really going to cancel a franchise of games so prominent in smash? Nintendo devs have a repuation for being pathological liars. Honestly find that hard to believe.  Even if the game did 50k I'm sure it wouldn't have gotten canceled, probably just put in the backburner with F-Zero and Star Fox. 

Also I highly doubt 1.50 million for FE:A, this site overtracks and I don't trust it, especially for nintendo games which are usually a good percentage higher than the offical release sales that nintendo gives out. 

And if you look at Wikipedia it has higher tracked sales for Japan in a shorter period of time, factor in 3DS' lackluster catolog of games, advertisting, marketing, ect, and fans of the franchise it was no wonder this game did okay in sales.

INB4 Someone says Nintendo devs aren't liars.

BRB Miyamoto: we aren't making a new 3DS model.   BRB 3 months later 3DS XL is out. 

BRB Iwata: We are making Wii U deluxe program limited  time only.  BRB one year later its still there.

BRB Sakurai: We aren't releasing DLC for Smash 4.  BRB Mii Costumes, fighter balot, Lucas,  Mewtoo. 

BRB Sakurai: Meewto is exclusive to those who bought both versions before x date.  BRB Mewtoo is up for dlc purchase at 6 dollars for both versions. 

Nothing these developers say should be taken seriously, or at least not without a grain of salt. 

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew