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justiceiro said:
A thing that i love about this thread:
"2. Choice in characters is also weak: Is there any reason to have 3 Kid Icarus and 4 Fire Emblem characters? No one cares that much for those games. =/. "

Oh, the irony...

If nintendo tries to put more character from the series on upfront, its a waste, but if they change the character on that same game, its "wrong". Nintendo can't really win. Ever.

Strong life bro.  And you're completely missing my points.  

1.) In Smash the characters of Lucina and Robin are weak, due to A. FE isn't popular enough to warrant 4 characters, B.) Lucina and Robin aren't interesting enough in their own game and C. Lucina is a carbon copy of Marth with nothing added but the sword mechanic.  Honestly Ike should have been cut if they were going to add an Awakening Character.  Who needs 4 FE characters in smash?!

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew