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ToraTiger said:
Johnw1104 said:

Art direction/story can certainly be a turnoff. That's one of the things that turned me off to Final Fantasy... I knew I'd reached the end of my FF career during FF X when I found myself turning the TV screen off during certain cutscenes as the thought of my father seeing it embarrassed the heck out of me.

That seemingly endless scene with Tidus and Yuna playing around in some lake at night with some corny romance song going in the background... That was my limit.

Thankfully Fire Emblem's changes have not yet been nearly so dramatic and they're still great games, but I've been wary ever since ffx lol

Btw, I don't mean to offend anyone who likes the path FF has gone down... If that's you thing then great! The transitions from the sprites and less linear gameplay of NES/SNES to whatever you call FFX on was a bit much for me (though FFXI was fun :D)

So off topic... My bad.

Good post brah, and I agree to a degree.  Final Fantasy X is pretty much the only final Fantasy game like that with all the lovey stuff and hot anime chicks.  FF XII was amazing and got me back into the series.  13 was a dissapointment.

But going through the history of FF, you would know that romance always played a big part in the games, not so much with FE beside one on the SNES, and the characters were never anime-esque to the point were literally every character was a cliche like they are in Awakening

I'm holding out hope for 15 to get me back into it.

For the record I have nothing against romance/emotion and such in games when it's done right... Heck, even with the poor translations I found the emotional trauma Delita went through losing his sister and Ramza struggled with as his relationships with his best friend was strained and brothers were irrevocably severed to be very moving. Likewise, Zidane and Garnet were great, and I've never felt such concern and sympathy for a character as I did Vivi. FFVII and VI are obvious enough to not require explanation.

But yes, the problem arises when they began focusing less on dialogue and more on visuals... It often felt like I was being forced to watch a poorly acted film that I had to sit back and cringe at for long stretches of time.

Essentially, they leave less and less to the imagination which, obviously, is only a positive if you like the direction they're headed. Despite how talented Square Enix is (I feel they and Blizzard far and away produce the best cinematics in gaming) it sometimes seems to me that the increased graphical capabilities of consoles was the worst thing that could have happened to the FF franchise.

I'm not yet convinced that Fire Emblem will head down that road to the same degree, and I personally certainly hope it doesn't... I don't think it a coincidence that Final Fantasy's popularity began to wane in NA as they made these changes.

ToraTiger said:
Edit: With the amount of Anime type avatars and signatures on this site, I'm certain I've come to the wrong site to bash on anime cliches appearing in old and well loved franchises. But my point remains, nothing about the characters, setting, or story even remotely comes close to one of the good older FE games like the first one with Ike and Sacred Stones 

I understood my life was potentially forfeit the moment I spoke ill of Final Fantasy. I wish you luck.