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sundin13 said:
While I understand that there may have been a tonal shift, I do not think that made the series objectively weaker in any way. It is merely a question of taste and while it is unfortunate that the new Fire Emblems don't fit yours, I personally adore this direction, as it has some of the most interesting social elements I have ever experienced in a game.

On top of that there is the great combat and interesting story which really makes it feel like the complete package of amazing.

The combat is good, but dualstrike and pairing up is inconsistent as fuk, making the game 10x luck based as before.

And as for the tone, I dont think I ever heard a longtime FE fan say Awakening is the bet game in the series, its usually just the newbies who got  attracted to the game by the anime art and waifus.  Also, it would be fine if the the direction changed just for one game, but im certain this new basic cookie cutter anime style is gonna be a mainstay in the game, and not one thats leaving. 

They have successfully alienated every single one of the older fans with this new anime style that is repulsive and annoying to a lot of people. 


Slade6alpha said:
I never really understood the whole waifu thing... I thought it was a joke @_@

It is a joke, but not a funny one.  :P

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew