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I feel bad for Insomniac with this game. While it doesn't surprise me that sales weren't great given the colorful, zany, video gamey nature of it on a console with X1's primary COD type of market, what does bother me is the critical reception it got. The game is definitely on par with Insomniac's R&C series and should have an 88-90 on meta, and if it did it may have gotten just a little more piqued interest from the people on the fence about it. It's got a fun and complex system, humorous, cool art style, and celebrates being a video game. I really don't get what there was to dislike, aside from maybe the fact that it has a slow-ish start while you build up your skills and powers. People are way too insta-grat minded with games now (and everything else actually).

At any rate, hopefully this price cut will finally get some of those on the fence people to buy it that some of the critics may have scared away.