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And you sir hit it right on the head, people touting GTA, MADDEN, GT, etc. as the most hardcore games because of sales or what have you, miss out on the fact that those games are a clear indictment on the whole "casual" arguement, largely because there are <b>hordes</b> of gamers who just play <b>THOSE</b> games or those series.

 I mean the more I read this arguements, rants, gripes or whatever the more it seems that the authors are missing the point.  If anything a so-called "hardcore" gamer owns all 3 systems and has a pre-order in for WiiFit right next to their pre-order for GTA IV.  Why? Because it's a high profile GAME.  Sure you may prefer different styles of games, but just because you'd rather blow a bunch of shit up for hours, vs. hit the slopes, punt soccer balls with your head due to a balance board doesn't mean your more hardcore than someone who doesn't.

I mean if I like to pump hours into games like Lumines or Tetris does that mean I'm not as hardcore as someone that pumps hours into Street Fighter or something?


This arguement is tired, ridiculous, and way beyond immature.  Gamers game, period. - It is what it is!