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Well, it depends on what you want to play first.

Star ocean, has a very fun combat system and flashy graphics. The story is predictable but very interesting in the places you visit. Most of the cast is cliche though. The crafting is very complex, i completely ignored it and theres multiple endings for replay value if you're into that.

FF13LR: Have not bothered with any 13 since the original. The demo was ok, but i believe you can expect the same simplistic world and characters. The combat hopefully was revamped and seemed much better than before. Dont recommend unless you are one of those people that manages to like FFXIII somehow.

Tales of symphonia, I strongly recommend the original. Its a very fun and charming story in every regard. One of the better Tales games. The sequal though... not so hot. Story ok if you love the first game, but the combat took a huge step down and its slower and simplistic.

Tales of Xillia 2, i am currently playing. It hasnt been too hot so far. The debt mechanic is just annoying, but if you liked the original Xillia i guess the characters are ok. The story is beeing very slow to pick up, just like Xillia. Might get better, but i'm 20 hours in and its still progressing slowly. Feels like i'm beeing forced to do side quests to advance... and well, thats what it is. Maybe it will get better further in, but i dont think i would ever replay this.

FFX, is a good game. Not as good as the best FF games, but certainly better than the most recent ones. Its enjoyable. The sequal also has a great combat system, but like Xillia its just carrot on a stick grinding until the ending.

Persona 3, you really should have played before P4. You will undoubtly like it, but it will feel like a step back from P4. Very good game still.

Xenoblade Chronicles, i cant recommend enough. Its the JRPG that saved and moved the genre forward. You will feel rewarded by everything you do on this game. Be it just following the main story, exploring, doing side quest, crafting gems. Everything feels rewarding and worthwhile. The freedom of exploration is amazing and the combat is cool, though it resembles something like an mmo with skill cooldowns and positional requirements for extra damage aswell as watching your agro so you dont pull the mob from the tougher party member/tank/Rein. xD Of course, you can play with any character, just like in the Tales series.

Type 0 and the last story throw in the trash bin, as far as i'm concerned.

So, if you want to play the best ones first i recommend: Xenoblade > Tales of symphonia > Persona 3 > FFX >Star ocean > Xillia 2 > FFLR. You're probably good ignoring the sequals and just watching the endings on youtube.

Since you loved Persona 4, wich is a great game, and if you want more of that then Persona 3 all the way. The best game from that bunch is Xeno though.

Edit: catched up with your posting. The main story in Xeno is about 70 to 80 hours. The 100+ is only if you go for all side quests. Totally worth it though, but i really wouldnt like to hold you back from some more Persona goodness. You can skip FFX for later, its nowhere as good as those two.