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Here is the explanation:

When the Wii hit, and sales become obvious - there were two types of "haters".

The haters that voiced up: "Wii is a fad" - and those that didn't.

The ones that didn't, simply believed that given a year and a bit (i.e. up to now) the Wii would run out of steam, and the HD consoles would take over.

The problem is this: the Wii is now selling faster than ever before, and it looks to be gathering steam rather than running out of it. And this is D-DAY for HD consoles - if GTA4 doesn't save the day, then nothing will.


Its just business. These people are the ones that backed the HD consoles, or have some vested interest in them. When the Wii success became apparent, people had two choices: either sign up, or hope that it would die down - and normal course of action would take over.

Make no mistake - GTA4 release is one of the most significant software releases for years, and could well shape the direction of the industry in the coming years. Not so much as how much software it sells (we ALL know it will sell well) - but whether people consider it revolutionary in such a way, that renders the Wii "useless". Will it sell hardware, and convince gamers they should buy a HD console rather than a Wii.

So all detractors are making one, last focused (futile?) attempt to swing public opinion away from the Wii (who knows, it may well be orchestrated by someone driving the press - MS + Sony?).


If GTA4 fails to unseat the Wii - this generation is over. 

Gesta Non Verba

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