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I still got and regulary use my old consoles, which consists of:

Nintendo: NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube (Wii too, but since you said PS2 and older...), Gameboy, Gameboy Color, GBA, DS. Even still have some Game & Watch.
SONY: Playstation 1 &2
SEGA: Megadrive (Genesis), too bad my Master System II went missing when I moved.

This is also true for PC games. Currenly I got 186 games at on my shelves there, and also got lots of additional old games still on discs or disquettes, both 3.5 inch and 5.25 floppies.

MohammadBadir said:

I actually play mostly old games.

It basically boils down to this. Old games and some indies, that is