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Turkish said:
Mike_L said:
Zekkyou said:

Wow at those scores x}

I won't accuse Digital Trends for having a "hidden" agenda but I gotta say many of their reviews really do stand out. These are some of their most recent:

10/10 Sunset Overdrive
9/10 Halo: The Masterchief Collection
9/10 Forza Horizon 2
8/10 Halo Spartan Assault
8/10 Forza Motorsport 5
8/10 The Last of Us Remastered
7/10 Ryse: Son of Rome
2/10 The Order 1886

And no it has nothing to do with different people reviewing games at different terms because Adam Rosenberg is the reviewer behind all of the above (he's a former writer on Official Xbox Magazine by the way). Their reviews of Infamous, Killzone and Knack aren't written by Rosenberg.


Edit: It turns out that the 2 founders of Digital Trends have worked with Microsoft before. Ouch x}

Ian Bell: Former recipient of Microsoft MVP
Dan Gaul: Former Software Test Engineer on the Exchange Server NNTP team of Microsoft

This needs to get viral. How are they even allowed to review PS games.

I'm wondering that as well. And what do sites like Digital Trends gain from having biased reviewers?

Regardless of people's bias it's crucial to act professionally and unbiased working as a reviewer. It would be perfectly fine for Digital Trends to be compensated by Microsoft for talking positively about their products (as Microsoft do with youtubers) but in that case Digital Trends must be clear that they're sponsored/compensated/funded/etc. by Microsoft. Otherwise it's a threat to the credibility of media. It's also illegal.

Western society is not one bit better than North Korea if what we're told by media is controlled by people with certain interests.