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Why so much hate? People fear what they don't understand. I think a lot of 'core' gamers/journalists are concerned that Wii and WiiFit will expand the market so much, and dominate the market so much that soon the market will no longer be recgonizable to them. It'll no longer cater to them.

To an extent that is true. This article's main point is also true. The HD systems and Wii are on different paths. Core games will continue on the HD systems and fun/lifestyle games will continue on Wii. Of course I don't think the divid will be that black and white but that is the direction we're headed.

The real thought behind all these attacks is: Is the Wii destroying gaming? The answer is of course NO. But it is changing the face of gaming. Many will hate that but then it's already happened before and will happen again. Welcome to life.