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ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:
I don't know about this one...I don't see it as wii hate but as close to facts as you can get. Other than the "3rd parties don't sell" comment.

I 100% agree with this paragraph...

"Movement based controls are fun, but we’ve yet to see them used in a truly innovative way. But then, why should developers bother to work on such complexities when the average Wii user just wants to wave their arms about for twenty minutes? Anyone who still believes these magical games for gamers are going to materialize need to take the rose tinted glasses off and face up to the facts - Nintendo have been sailing their ship in a different direction for some time, and they’re showing no intention of turning it around any time in the near future…"

I find it a bit strange that you talk about facts and then quote one of the paragraphs filled with the most BS. Waving arms around for twenty minutes? Can someone cite a single game that fits this? As much as Chicken Shoot and Ninjabread Man get bashed, even these games don't fit this description.

This isn't even mentioning the fact that half of the 'article' is just the writer giving GTA4 oral sex.


I haven't played every wii game but the ones I played that do this are Mortal Kombat Armageddon (horribly bad), Sega tennis, M&S Olympics, Wii sports (best wii game to me), Red Steel, Mario Party 8, Carnival games...can't think of any others. In any case, most of these games are designed to pay like this and they work fine...but one must admit that No More Heroes is much better with much better controlls than any of the games i listed yet it will never come close to sales to most of those games. Why? Because the main wii gamer likes to shake his hand at the screen...