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disolitude said:
I don't know about this one...I don't see it as wii hate but as close to facts as you can get. Other than the "3rd parties don't sell" comment.

I 100% agree with this paragraph...

"Movement based controls are fun, but we’ve yet to see them used in a truly innovative way. But then, why should developers bother to work on such complexities when the average Wii user just wants to wave their arms about for twenty minutes? Anyone who still believes these magical games for gamers are going to materialize need to take the rose tinted glasses off and face up to the facts - Nintendo have been sailing their ship in a different direction for some time, and they’re showing no intention of turning it around any time in the near future…"

 Here's the thing.  He states right off the bat in that paragraph that we haven't seen them used in "a truly innovative way."  The problem arguing that is it's so relative.  What is innovative to one person isn't so to another.  I could sit here and argue all day about how it helped create the definitive RE4 control scheme, how FPS and FPA like MOH:H2 and MP3 benefited greatly from the new controls, but it would be useless as anybody could just come by and brush it off by saying "it's not truly innovative". 

Another line: "Anyone who still believes these magical games for gamers are going to materialize..."

At this point no I don't believe games for gamers are going to materialize on the Wii.  THEY ALREADY HAVE!  It was one thing complaining a year ago about Wii not having enough quality games but now there are plenty of fun games that appeal to hardcore gamers.  Just a few days back we had trouble suggesting games for rocketpig's niece because several of the stereotypical "kiddie" games were more difficult than what people who haven't played them would lead you to believe.  You also have games like Fire Emblem and Trauma Center being marked down in reviews for being too difficult.

At this point if you're a gamer complaining that there aren't any games for you on the Wii you're not looking hard enough.