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I usually do not play games for the stories. The big exception for this I think is Metal Gear Solid 1. The game is alright but a bit stiff especially compared to other games in the series, and while the game I think has aged decently well, I always come back for the story. I just love how the events of the game unfolds and all the crazy codec conversations and twists. So I'm pretty open for a game to have an amazing story to make up for other aspects of the game.

As for games which really excel in gameplay, Mario 3 comes to mind. There isn't really much story to speak about and I don't think the original game (NES) graphics have aged the best, but the game itself is a blast. I've spent countless hours playing through all the levels over the years. So I think great gameplay can make up for a game lacking in story or graphics.

As for graphics, while I like a pretty game, I can't think of a single game I would play based on graphics alone. So I suppose that's the weakest link. Of course I think most games should aim to meet all 3 of those catergories or do 1/2 really, really well.