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Samus Aran said:

I gave you reasons, you dismiss them without reason.

How should I know what Nintendo will do with their next HH? That's the job of their R & D department.

No matter how you try to spin it, Sony leaving the HH market can only benefit Nintendo. Even if it only boosts Nintendo's sales with 2%. 

The DS had a brand new and original gimmick and it was cheaper than the 3DS. Power means little, when has the most powerful console ever won its generation? PS4 is the only recent example I can think of now.

you didnt back up your reasons with anything. Thats why I dismissed them.

I simply ask what do you think taht Nintendo will do that will cause them not to decline with there next HH you obviously dont have an answer so i will continue to say "nothing" until i am proven otherwise.

2% is nothing and its not about benefiting Nintendo but HHs as a whole, 2% increase wont do nothing as it would still be less than GBA and DS so HHs will still decline. So again what will happen that will STOP the decline or at he least keep it stagnant