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zorg1000 said:
oniyide said:
zorg1000 said:
oniyide said:

Western RPGS for one. No Elder Scrolls, Fallout or anythig like that. No sim racers either. nothin like a Forza or Gran Turismo, Grid. Where are the 3d fighters? Tekken and what not. 

And even then there were alot of genres that were wholly unrepresented. I can count the fighting games released on two hands maybe one. and a few of those are ports of older games. SO if you are a fighting game fan you are kinda screwed. (I am) 

It started out with a good library of JRPGs then that number went down but to be fair same happened to 360.

FPS oh boy. they made a few of these and teh few they did make kinda blew. IMHO Red Steel 2 iliked and 007 was good just about it.

sandbox/openworld might as well add this to the list of genres Wii didnt have the games it did get were ports from the prior generation. 

TPS same as above.

IMHO oustide the shovelware motion heavy stuff and the stuff Ninty was already making like your platformers. It was kind of a crappy system for anything else.

Wii had alot of RPGs, shooters and racing games (I'm not going to divide them up into sub-genres). Whether or not the developers took the time to make them good is irrelevant to our discussion.

As for the developers yes it is relevant if the games suck that means the genre is not getting a proper representation hence my original point. If i am a fighting game fan and the little bit of fighting games the system gets sucks then that system sucks for fighting games and i am missing out. Its not about point fingers i promise that the average joe does not care why something sucks. 

I am going to divide them into sub genres. Mario Kart plays alot differently than Need for Speed which plays differently from Forza. Thats why we have subgenres in the first place. Thats my whole point of saying its lacking in genres when whole styles of play is not represented, now if you want to ignore that to make the Wii look better we can stop right now becasue you do not or refuse to get it. 

I said the RPGs were fine, just that they became infrequent toward the end where the comp(PS3) was becoming more frequent and you ignored the western ones that dont exist. List me these shooters (FPS) and racing games. Im sure they pale in comparison to the comp in quality(subjective i know) and quantitiy(not subjective)

According to this sites game database, Wii had 31 fighting games, 94 racing games, 65 shooters in North America so yes these genres were well represented and they did feature different play styles from one another.

that isnt an actual list. And how many of those games were WII games and not VC games? cause the latter doesnt really count.