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Sorry, but i completely disagree.

The last story is an extremely boring game with hardly any gameplay. When attacking is done only by moving your character towards the enemy and he auto attacks and all the moves you got is to place a circle on the ground on what are tight envyronment very often felt like a colossal waste of time. I am totally not interested in a sequal unless it completely revamps the gameplay, and if it does, why should it be called the last story and carry the extra baggage?

Nintendo did the right thing by picking Xenoblade wich is the marriege of good gameplay with good story. Yeah, it has auto-attack aswell, but thats not what you are doing. You are using several on-use skills. Its also alot more fast paced.

With that said, i wouldnt mind if Nintendo employed Sakaguchi and uematsu. Mistwalker is a crap company though. They dont develop games, they just direct.