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freebs2 said:
oniyide said:


The PSP was launched at the peak of PS brand popularity, hade huge marketing campaigns, was supposed to rip apart Nintendo handled division and yet it managed to sell well for about 3 years. Once the next-gen came out, most people thought it was better to buy the best home console experience rather than a miniature Ps2. Later it managed to stay relevant in japan thanks to Monster Hunter and jrpgs. The PsVita was based on the same concept (miniature home console games) and we all see where it is. Also what's funny about it? I though we were having a conversation and we weren't just mocking each other. Maybe I was wrong.

Yes, they have sacrificed portability. Portability is not just about size, the 3DS has a terrible battery life and has a light reflecting glass over its screen, that makes it very hard to use in natural light conditions. Plus the circle pad os quite unconfortable to use, expecially if you have big hands. Clearly they focused too much on 3D every other design decision was merely an afterthougt for them.

I'm not saying it should operate like a smartphone, the PsVita has a single capacitive screen too, is that a smartphone? Also I'd like to quote: "Why would masses buy another device that not only looks like something they already have but has even less functionality". Why would a gamer buy an handled that looks similar to an home console (which they already have) but whith less functionality? Handleds are supposed to offer something different, that home consoles are less suited to offer. Ok, you may say every game you make on an handled can be made an home console too, that's true. But, whould you really use a Ps4 to play Tetris? I don't think so. Home consoles are not suitable for 5 to 20 minutes breaks, are not pick-up and play anymore. Consoles nowadays are all about immersion, you'll hardly even turn on your Ps4 if you don't plan to play for at least half an hour.

You say Nintendo shouldn't compete whith smarphones and yet you say handleds are declining because of smartphones. In any business you don't have very much choice but to compete, unsless you want to retreat. But that's probably what you do want, Nintendo to retreat from business.

With digital delivery they could tear down game prices significanlty without compromising their margins, or else they should find a way to make their games appear more valueble to the average customer. They'll have to adapt with times and accept  DD like they did whith optical discs.

Nintendo games have still a lot of potential, in fact 3DS still managed to sell +50m units whith very little 3rd party support and surely not because of its hardware.


Not mocking, i just find the whole argument funny when people always wanna forget PSP. It doesnt matter how it was marketed the fact was it did well and those in depth 3d games did sell well. 80mil is nothing to scoff at. NOW if you want to argue that is something that people are not that into anymore then that is fine, but lets not act like that was always the case. As a matter of fact with that being true, that put HH future into even more uncertainty, how much more people are going to want to carry around another device?

disagree, i never had trouble with the circle pad and my hands arent that small.  GBA had even worse lighting hell all Gameboys really didnt stop them from selling. The battery life is nto that bad. This is all subjective anyway.

Becasue maybe a gamer WANTS a console experience on the go, thats why i buy HHs and that is something that my phone cannot replicate, BUT i know enough to know that i am in the minority when it comes to that. I agree on your PS4 point but im not quite sure what that has to do with what im saying. 

Not really at all, not sure why you are trying to put words in my mouth. They are making different devices than phones. YOU are the one that said they need to compete and guess what a dedicated HH is not competing, HHs are not going to get more popular and they will decline. For them to compete they will actually have to compete and make something similar ot a phone or tablet. I dont want them to do that as they would get destroyed. IMHO its inevitable how this is gonna pan out, unless you think Ninty could make another DS that flys off the shelves but i wouldnt bet on it.

They have digital delivery now and much hasnt change. I agree with you on what they have to do, but IMHO i think Ninty is stubborn enough to not do it and they rather suffer until they have to be dragged in kicking and screaming.

it has 3rd party support just not from the west, which it never really had to begin with.