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InnocentSin said:

Now tbh, I don't think Cyrus was that interesting either. From what I remember, he wanted to create a new universe devoid of all emotion. Ok..but why? I don't think there was an explanation for his actions. I think there was an old woman who told you that Cyrus was a loner as a kid but they should've delved into that more.

I mean, I don't think that any of the team villians have truly stand out characters aside from N, but at least that one line from his grandparents makes sense of his actions, and everything he does and wants makes sense within the context of his motives and his personality. Ghetsis is literally just evil. He wants to take over the world "because," and the entire subplot of liberating Pokemon was just a tool to have power, so he could be evil.

Cyrus is an avatar for artificial intelligence. He's a nihilistic computer stuck in a person's body, in a manner of speaking. Everything about him feels programed. His interest in mechanics, antisocial childhood, and his particular intrest in robotic Pokemon all allude to that. The regret that he might not have turned out the way he did if he was only exposed to more humanity does so as well

He wants to create a world without emotion because he can't comprehend emotion, just like a computer. Just like the machines he tinkered with as a child instead of other kids. We know that he was brilliant from his grandparent. He was extremely intelligent, like a computer. He watched from the sides as society made mystakes due to emotions, something he's already explained he can't relate to. He doesn't see it as being human; he sees it as being imperfect. As an avatar for artificial intelligence, yet being entirely human, he not only sees the world as imperfect, but he sees himself as imperfect. He's not immune to the effects of emotion, as proven when he becomes enraged near the end of the games and is discusted with himself.

He decides to obtain the power of gods to create a new universe in his image. He wants to create a universe where everyone, including himself, can be purged from what he sees as imperfection. The Pokemon he chooses to use make sense within the context of what he's trying to do as well. Dialga and Palkia make sense in creating a universe with it's own law and rules, and Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit make sense within the context of manipulating human spirit. It's also poetic that it's those three Pokemon that are directly involved in thwarting his plans in Diamond and Pearl, and it takes a second Red Chain, created through technological means, to thwart their effort in Platinum.

Aside from N, I think that Cyrus is the only team leader with any substance to his character. I think that Team Plasma, as an over all structured team, was more interesting than Team Galactic, but Cyrus makes up for his team in spades.

He's honestly the only evil villian that I believe deserves a sequel return.