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RolStoppable said:
Stupid teachers.

For one, it's up to parents how they bring up their children, and two, the more they try to make it a forbidden thing, the more desirable it gets.

That's only partly true. While legally it is parents responsibility to bring up their children, it is also the general community as well. It's all about the betterment of the children. If a parent isn't upholding their responsibility the state can step in and remove children from their parents. I'm of course speaking about abuse in all the different faucets for that, neglect included and allowing a young child to watch/play mature rated games can fall under neglect among other things. 

So it is actually part of the teachers responsibily as part of the community to help raise the child especially when there is a possability that they may be actually spending more time with the child than the actual parent 5 days a week. 

It depends on peoples personalities and how they have been brought up as to if they find the forbidden more desirable or not. 

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.