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spemanig said:
sergiodaly said:

Well, PC HW is lots more powerful, but if you crank it up to ultra high and to 1080p60, it will do 1080p60 with ultra high if you have a titan Y or a gtx 780 (given the fact that the gtx 780 can do it) meaning that even with more powerful HW the game can't pass beyond the ultra high setting. If console is built with a looser tie on price, company will not aim for 4K medium, they can aim for 4K ultra with bells and whistles. Also giving them a slack for the regular version to be less than the one version in the traditional one console business model we have today.

PCs aren't consoles. The only reason PC get to have such a high framerate is because the games are made with the current console generation in mind. Years ago, when the strongest PCs in the world were only as strong as the PS4 and XBO, did the games look anywhere near as good as the PS4 and XBO games currently do? Of course they didn't. They looked like slightly better PS360 games, with a high resolution and framerate. If the consoles were stronger than PCs, PCs wouldn't be getting high framerate games. It doesn't matter how strong the consoles are. The majority of devs will always prioritize sheen over gameplay.

Well, future specs are hard to predict, think today specs for a ps4+ with a 650 dollars budget and tell me if you think contemporary devs could do games so demanding that it would hard to not achieve 1080p60. With that budget, less energy and thermal constraints i think sony and amd could very well build a console hard enought not do 1080p60. Given the extra power, and the current development methods, if sony ask for the ps4+ to be mandatory to have 1080p 60fps, games would look better than the ps4 version, and I'm not just talking about the resolution and framerate. I believe it would get better lighting, texture, loading times, etc. Thats is the premise I'm trying to get through... 

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