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"FFX is the first of the bad FF, everybody knows that. you can still love it.
its just not as good as the FF games before. "

I remember playing it with my dad when I was younger.
Normally he doesnt enjoy games, but he really ended up likeing this one, after watching me play.
Eventually I showed him how to play and before I knew it he was ahead of my save game.

I ended up playing together with him, takeing turns, but more often than not just sitting there and enjoying the story unfold, watching as he played it.

I liked FFX, and thought it was pretty good.
I like open world exploration so for me 7 & 8 are probably my favorites of the FF series.

But because of how this game hooked my dad in, it kinda holds a special place for that reason alone.

Ive played all the FF games, even the MMOs (11,14).
I like all the FF games, there are NO ones.