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curl-6 said:
Redgrave said:

I never thought I'd see the day when the superfans got pissed off with Nintendo.

I'm with you 100% though.

I'm a Nintendo fan since the SNES, and if things keep going like this, I'll be turning in my badge.

As others have pointed out, the delay itself isn't even the main problem, it's their lack of trustworthiness or transparency. They're giving us no reason to have confidence in them at this point. 

I know I'll feel better once the games start coming again next month but at the moment I'm just not feeling nintendo. I assumed it have Yoshi and Kirby to be playing by now like it appeared would be the case, instead I haven't had a reason to turn on my wii u in months and we don't really know when the next games coming out. 

The zelda delay doesn't mean much to me, Im not surprised it's happened, but nintendo has so much going wrong right now it's hard to get behind them as you've said.