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1: If you truly explored the game for 12 hour's before beating the boss, you would have found two Mad man's skulls (insight) during the exploration, one in the sewer, and i don't remember where i found the second one. this will help you to raise you're stats with Blood vials. 

2: There is shot-cuts in this game, which you would have found them all, in matter of least 3 hours. Now that i know where they are, i can find them and unlock them in matter of 10 min ( you can run and roll around the enemies, wherever you go ) 

3: the only thing i hate in this game, is command lag, i hit R2 and there is no damn reaction, and 3 seconds later it works, but then it's to late. That is just an error i want them to fix in a patch, which probably will be dealt with. If the game itself are sabotaging you're attacks, it's basically just mean trolling..  cause having command lags got nothing to do with being challenged, but annoyed.

Everything except that? No, no problem. People are leaving notes and stuff, and it's helpful.

I've died like around 15 times during the first hours in the game I played it carefully and was not rushing around like an impatient gamer that wanna speed run games. after a while, i learn how to avoid dying by strategizing when to attack, to time power attacks perfectly etc.. Like when you fight werewolves, try luring them to come to you, and when they charge you, push and hold the R2 button in a perfect timing, to hit them both as they get close enough, get away, and wait for their next move. if they manage to get to close, shoot them to get away, and if you got low life, so you have a chance to refill you're health.

And this is my first Software game, and this year is the first year i've played games in years, due for have being enlisted to the Navy.. Still... This guy is working on a Gaming related news site... they got a bigger reason all sort of different games,.. it's damn shame.. give me you're damn job


PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90