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Woohoo! Lucas, very good. I just love the responses as well, especially

Rob Berryhill: "ROFLMAO! You either work for Nintendo, or you are high on crack. There is no way in hell that Nintendo will be more than an also-ran in this generation. That controller is going to be a huge flop, and the hardware is so far behind the other two that no one will want the games. I'm betting all of the 3rd party game developers that have, in the past, done with Nintendo exclusive titles will be bailing as fast as rats on a sinking ship. "

and Jordan: "You miss the key weakness of Nintendo and that's a critical mis-reading of the gaming audience. For the past several years the mantra has been "Games are too hard! People want simple games!" and it's proven to be a
disaster for them. They've been the last to do any kind of networking at all because they've been saying that people don't want online games... DOH! Wrong again. There's no reason to think this new controller innovation will be any different. "