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generic-user-1 said:
Illusion said:

Sorry if this comes off as a bit much, but I made a lot of friends at school that are homosexual and to hear their stories makes me weep for society.


People should have the right to feel whatever way they want about others as long as they keep it private and do not harm others. The problem is the group that is wielding the power humiliates because they believe its right.

I just want to say that I am a Christian and I completely sympathize with gays and the bullying and hatred that they experience.  To love one's neighbour is as important to a Christian as loving God and those that bully or abuse power are not Christian even if they appear to be on the surface.

Without supporting or opposing this law:  If a Christian family had a wedding cake business and they believed in traditional marriage, do you feel that this couple should be forced to offer their services for a gay wedding even if it would violate their consciences?  What if other wedding cake companies were available in town?  Even if you don't agree with Christian beliefs on traditional marriage, surely you can relate to the fear that such a family would experience if they were being forced by those in power to do something that they don't believe in or go out of business.  

I think we all have to live in this world together.  I'm not saying that this law is the right thing to do, but I do think we should consider the needs of all parties in cases like the one I mentioned above.  We may disagree with other people's views, but when society starts forcing people to go against their beliefs I think we start looking an awfully like the authoritarians who we were fighting against in the first place.

well, realy important businesses shouldnt be allowed to not serve a person, if somebody is ill, the hospital has to cure him.

a cake business isnt that important, but it shouldnt be just gay, what if i dont wanna offer my service to women? or dwarfs? or christians?or catholics? or blacks?or mexicans? or republicans? or NRA members? or people who think star wars episode 1 is a good movie?



btw what is wrong with the us of a? arent there any sane americans? seems like one half is feminazi and the other half is fucked up "christians".  normal societys would tell those minoritys to fuck off... 

Failed Gun Law, Failed to have healthcare reforms, 87% Christians. Based on these tell you alot about USA. Alot of them can be insane to a degree...