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Brotherstotheend said:
IamTheEndVoid said:
Brotherstotheend said:
generic-user-1 said:

nintendo will not start the next gen so early, they got burned with the wii u.

if sony will be around, we will see.

m$ will spin off the xbox brand 2015/16 why? because the shareholders will be to pissed. they are allready realy pissed, because xbox cost money and there is no way the console market will grow like m$ hoped for.  

m$ just dont has the studios to turn a good profit with software like nintendo or sony can. they are allready making preperations to spin of xbox.

m$ just dont need xbox like nintendo needs the console buisness of sony needs the elektronic business(with the playstation brand as last succesfull part).

they tryed to win last gen with games and this gen with multimedia, and both failed. they just cant explain to the shareholders why they should pay for the console buisness when they cant even outsell the struggling wiiu in the first year like the ps4 did in 5 month or so.

they make profit with the xbox one,

shareholders don´t really care about outselling other consoles as long as they get money


people like you are saying that they will sell xbox for 10 years and they still don´t have


and even if they would sell the xbox division, the xbox one would still be there,


but keep dreaming

Umm I don't think you are right at all.maybe you are the one dreaming?? Since xbox started they have lost more then made and xone is not making money currently. By the time it does it will be tiny as to not matter to MS. All there money comes from Softwware licensing.

the hardware itself doesn´t make a profit, but together with games and subscriptions it makes a profit

and the fact that they had losses during the xbox and the first xbox 360 years is no argument to sell, when you make a profit all the years after, even if the whole "project xbox" is stil in the reds


if the segment of your companys isnt growing as fast as the rest, than selling it is a good choice...