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It's 27 March (or nearly 27 March for some of you) and we have no charts for any March week. Will we see an unprecedented event of a full month expiring without any numbers being published for any week in that month?

VGC has so far failed to even provide the full sales data for the final week in February.

We don't even have pre-order numbers for the first week in March. What's up with that?

So, what do you think?

Will we have a complete shut out and not get any numbers for march published in March?

Will we get no sales numbers, but get at least 1 week of March pre-order numbers?

Is VGChartz shutting down by stealth? And was February the last month of VGChartz as we know it? I call on ioi to come and tell us what's going on. Where is VGChartz going? What is its future? 

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix