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Augen said:
Ruler said:

The 5th generation was way better imo. At least the ps1, saturn and n64 havent shared all the same games but had all tons of exclusives

Matter of taste, but for me 1995 was too soon to make the jump from sprites to polygons.  The games looked awful for the most part and really detracted from my experience.  I kept playing on my Genesis and SNES because I honestly felt they were superior in controls and visuals.  For example Super Mario World still looks good to me, while Mario 64 looked awful and has aged even worse to me.

The Staurn died early and honestly the N64 reminds me a lot of Wii U current situation with rare big title and then draughts.  The PS1 pretty much dominated which explains a lot how it had so many exclusives.  If we revert back to two consoles (Sony & Nintendo) for the next generation I'd imagine we'd see tons of exclusives again.  

If you dont like the early 3D graphics its really no problem because the playstation and saturn got tons of 2D sprite games.