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Zappykins said:
sc94597 said:

Skywind is a Skyrim/Morrowind mod which ports all of the quests, characters, content, etc from Morrowind into Skyrim's engine. So basically you get to play the game with better graphics, voice-acting, and Skyrim gameplay. The fan developers are making their own textures, voice-acting, meshes, etc. Pretty much it is a fan-made Morrowind remake. Here is one of their development videos. 

View on YouTube

Wow, that's much better than I would have expected.  Even the singers are on key, better than most all 'pop stars' and without autotune.

I do see this an eleborate plot to make me buy another verson of Skyrim for the PC so I can use the mods and play SkyWind.  I wonder what Bethesda thinks?

Here some other cool mods (Opening Spoilers)

As long as everything is made by the creation engine (besides new content) and it isn't being used to make a profit, I think Bethesda would be alright with it. They didn't stop Morroblivion (Morrowind ported to Oblivion's engine.) Although, I do think Bethesda should hire a few of these people involved in this mod. :D