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Short term? No..

Long term? Possible

Sony has one huge problem, to make profits they have to depend on third party.

See for example this graph:

This graph lists the operating profit and/or loss for Sony's gaming division and Nintendo for each year since 1995.

Take the period 95-04 where the playstation consoles (PSOne/PS2) sold more than 200 million combined but the profit margin is still not that high even lower than Nintendo that with N64 and GC had two consoles that sold less than 60 million combined.

If we would cut the third party software sales profits Sony would have lost a ton of money with PS one and PS2 even with all those hardware/memorycard/controller sales because the investments are so high.

For the near future it looks all good but will Nintendo and MS keep screwing up? Will PS NOW and Morpheus be a succes? Will the Steam console be nothing more than a fad? 

Edit:  No I am not a double account made by Kowenicki! The Xbox division can also be in huge trouble!