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ganoncrotch said:
teigaga said:


In what world do you hit your boss and keep your job? Just because y'all like him it doesn't mean he is above  anyone else. Considering this isn't the first time he's been in trouble, everyone blaming the BBC really need to  stop and think for a second. Its sends a terrible message out to the world if you let someone be dick and get away with no repercussions just because they're entertaining to watch. It may be a shame and I'm sure the BBC hated that it came to this but its only fair, no one to blame but him.

Do you really believe this line? Do you think that everyone in the world is treated the same? Sure Clarkson (54) could well have not hit Oisin (35) in the face over it, he could have used his popularity and pull within the show to have the guy fired and use his ties to make it so that he could never work again like most would, or as with a lot of people who have power/money simply have his staff/security rough the guy up for him.

Do I think Clarkson was right here, no of course not, but the BBC should have settled this in another fashion, the guy who was punched in the face is now the Director of a show which is effectively dead in the water, so their resolution to him being punched by a 54 year old has more or less cost him his job working on the highest grossing show on the BBC (afaik)

From what I understand Sky have been offering the trio of presenters of Top Gear better and better offers to come and work with them for the last number of years now, I would think considering Clarksons current unemployment he isn't in a great bargaining position but I can't imagine it will be long before he is back with his audience and on a network more likely to allow him be a lot more arrogant than he was on the BBC.

Do I believe that the same logic realises itself the majority of times we're dealing with celebs. No of course not, but in the instance in which it does materialise we shouldn't cry foul. Its really simple:

-People like Clarkson, want him to keep his the job so they can continue to enjoy the show.
-Clarkson does something 99% of people would (and should) be fired for doing and so is fired.
-There is no injustice here.

Would it be financially smarter for the BBC to keep him, of course, no one is arguing against that. This isn't so much about the victim as it is about condemning bad intolerable behaviour.