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JazzB1987 said:

I agree.

Just ignore the people that disagree with you for the sake of disagreeing or because they can "have arguments with anonymous strangers"

Its almost 1.5y since the new consoles launched and we have not even half the amount of good games on both consoles combined we had on the Dreamcast within its first year. (the console that arguably was such a failure that Sega died)

One would think that after the industry had 15+years to mature even more (after the DC) with 2 juggernaught consoles which had predecessors that sold roughly 90m consoles each. That at least one of the new consoles would have a great library by now let alone both but thats not the case at all.

Today not games sell systems its marketing and lies, fanboys (and their word of mouth) and even more nonsense.

Tachikoma said:

His focus on PlayStation is telling, completely ignoring the fact that the Xbox, WiiU and 3DS have multiple remasters, too.

Do you really compare OOT3D/LylatWars 3D  WindWakerHD and Halo Master Chief collection (products that had effort put into them)
To Stuff like TheLastOfUs (framerate does not suck this time edition) and the upcoming GOW3? (both being upress ports)
Its two different types of products.

Its like comparing person A who repainted Mona Lisa  to person B who just photographed Mona Lisa and then just printed out the copy.

I don't agree. And again, he refers to 'Generation', not the first 1 year and half, even though PS4, X1 and WiiU already got plenty of good games : TitanFall, Infamous SS, Forza Horizon 2, DC, Bloodborne, Far Cry4, Dragon Age : I, Shadow of Mordor, COD : AW, GTAV Remastered, NBA 2K 15, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, Bayonetta2, Super Mario 3D World, etc etc etc.

'Fact' does not mean what you like or believe : these are our opinions.  Don't you agree ?

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.