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Yes a statement that is a subjective opinion is fact.

Opinions can't be facts, now that IS a fact. You might as well be saying "Fact: Coca Cola tastes better than Pepsi."

Your threads are always FANTASTIC.


"dont you feel that their efforts should be concentrated elsewhere? if that doesnt bother you, isnt it a problem that these people are just porting games from last gen as a cash grab? surely that is a problem."

If you really think that these remakes are delaying new AAA titles significantly you are gravely mistaken. The majority of such remakes are outsourced, GTA V for example was going to be released on PC anyway so why not release it on PS4 and XBO. Porting or Remastering titles takes minimal effort in comparison to making a full title and if you are happy with playing the previous gen version then you don't have to buy it.

These remakes are taking NOTHING away from gamers by being released, they're just giving people more options to either enjoy experiences they missed last-gen or for fans of the original titles to play through them again with improvements, and ultimately it's the consumers choice of whether it's worth the value for them. I'm happy game I love and games I missed are being upgraded.

Games don't have to be revolutionary and invent new mechanics to be incredible, enjoyable and memorable.