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Just because this game was made by the same director and game developers as Dark Souls doesn't mean that this game should be multiplatform. Bloodborne is published by SCE, and has been stated by Miyazaki that it is not a sequel, so is therefore a new IP.

Since Bloodborne is not a sequel, then PC gamers are not missing out on the story of Dark Souls, but rather a new story that can only be played on the PS4. Whining and complaining that you need to pay extra money for an exclusive has existed since the beginning of gaming. The comments that I have read on the petition are either that their PC is more powerful and can run the game better than the PS4 or that they played Dark Souls 1 & 2 and are now complaining that they took the series away from them. This game is not called Tomb Raider PC gamers.

This is a new IP just like Sunset Overdrive was for the XB1. Sunset Overdrive was created by Insomiac Games, the same developer that created the Ratchet and Clank series. PC gamers complaining that Bloodborne is not coming to PC is like Playstation gamers complaining that Sunset Overdrive is not coming to the PS4.
"I have played all of the Ratchet and Clank series on the playstation platforms. Now you take that series away from us and release Sunset Overdrive exclusive to XB1?"
That is what that petition basically sounds like to me (what is said in quotes).